Be part of history as Tsuut’ina Nation hosts the Canadian tour of the First Class Relics of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha—the first canonized Indigenous woman in North America—and the Jesuit Missionary Martyrs. Date & Time: Sunday, Jan 5, 10 am–2 pm Location: Seven Chiefs Sportsplex & Jim Starlight Centre, Tsuut’ina Nation (19 Bullhead Rd, Priddis, AB) - Direction The day begins at 10 am with a Traditional Ceremonial Welcome of the Relics, followed by the Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop William T. McGrattan. All are welcome—Catholics and non-Catholics alike! Schedule of Events
*The concession of the Sportsplex is open to purchase food
Don’t miss this opportunity to witness history and faith in action. All are welcome!
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has proclaimed a Jubilee Year through his apostolic bull Spes non confundit ("Hope Does Not Disappoint"). This extraordinary year of grace will be inaugurated in all local churches (dioceses) on Sunday, December 29, 2024, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. In our Diocese, Bishop McGrattan will preside over the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year during the Eucharistic celebration at St. Mary’s Cathedral on December 29, 2024, at the 12:00 pm Mass. All priests, deacons, religious, and lay faithful are warmly invited to join the Bishop for this historic moment. This Jubilee Year calls the entire Church to search for signs of hope and to become signs of hope for others. We are reminded of our mission to be sources of hope in our families, for our neighbours, and especially for those who are imprisoned, sick, dying, or marginalized. The young and the elderly alike are called to unite in this faith journey, embracing the transformative power of hope in our lives and communities. Rite of the Opening of the Jubilee Year As part of the Eucharistic celebration, the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year will begin with a special entrance through the principal door of the Cathedral, a symbol of Christ (cf. Jn 10:9). The opening will include a moment of prayer outside the Cathedral, the singing of the Jubilee hymn, an invitation to bless and praise God, the proclamation of the Gospel passage, and a reading from the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee Year. At the threshold of the Cathedral door, the Bishop will lift up the cross and invite the faithful to venerate it with the acclamation: “Hail, cross of Christ, our only hope.” The faithful will respond, “You are our hope, we will never be confounded.”
Brothers and sisters,
The Global Slavery Index estimates that at any given time, there are 17,000 people affected by human trafficking in Canada. And yet The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking has estimated that although a high percentage of Canadians is aware that human trafficking is a significant issue in Canada, most Canadians don’t feel that they can recognize the signs of human trafficking, nor do they believe that Canadian citizens are among its victims. This is where organizations such as The Centre, and many other such organizations come in. HTEP is one such organization, with a specific focus to address human trafficking education in Southern Alberta. HTEP (Human Trafficking Education for Prevention) was created in Calgary in 2023 by a small group of Catholics (religious and laity) who shared a concern about troubling statistics indicating that a disproportionate number of marginalized individuals are being targeted for human trafficking in Southern Alberta. As members of the Diocese of Calgary, we believe that supporting anti-trafficking efforts is a meaningful way for the faithful to contribute to both Diocesan Renewal and personal growth in union with Christ, who spent His earthly life ministering to the poor and marginalized. While there are many groups and agencies fighting various aspects of human trafficking, HTEP decided to focus its efforts on the front end: an awareness campaign that can help prevent targets from becoming victims. HTEP believes that a community that knows the signs of human trafficking and understands the many ways traffickers operate is in a better position to protect its most vulnerable from becoming victims. By working with small regional groups and churches, school communities and educators, and local organizations, we can raise awareness, inform, and support grassroots community efforts right here in our own backyard. We also provide workshop study guides, pamphlets, and other resources that groups can use freely. As we continue to grow, we hope to offer more in-person workshops within Southern Alberta and other interactive sessions, allowing us to tailor these sessions to individual needs and demographics. To learn more about or join any aspect of the fight against human trafficking, please check out our brand-new website at Website content suggestions are welcome! Finally, please join us in a prayer of intercession to St. Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint of victims of human trafficking: O St. Bakhita, assist all those who are trapped in a state of slavery; Intercede with God on their behalf so that they will be released from their chains of captivity. Those who are enslaved, let God set free. Provide comfort to survivors of slavery and let them look to you as an example of hope and faith." Submitted by Human Trafficking Education for Prevention (HTEP) team.
Hope is only truly hope when the situation is hope-less, and the situation must have appeared hopeless to Joseph and Mary at times. We romanticize Christmas Eve in our beautiful nativity scenes, but Jesus was born amidst feces and fleas in the piercing cold. The manger had no warmth or security. Herod wanted them dead, and the Holy Family fled as homeless refugees to Egypt to escape the Massacre of the Innocents. For those families who watched their children murdered, the situation must have been hopeless indeed. The Diocesan Advent mission was thus aptly titled Renewed in Hope because we need courageous hope, not toxic positivity. The mission began with Brett Powell encouraging attendees to confront the brutal facts facing the Catholic Church in a post-Christian era. The harsh reality is this: despite wonderful programs and a golden era of freely available, high-quality Catholic content, Mass participation continues to decline. Even though we have well-run, publicly funded Catholic schools, nearly 80% of Catholic children leave the church by age 23. Only 1% of teens raised by lukewarm Catholics are highly religious in their mid-to-late 20s. Perhaps most shocking, Powell highlighted that only 30% of practicing Catholics in the United States believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist (see Turnley, 2024). All these statistics suggest that a lot of sincere work in evangelization and catechesis is not effectively passing along the torch of faith. Powell asked the Diocese to consider making a radical shift from self-preservation because (in the West at least), there is less and less to preserve. Instead, we must let the Holy Spirit lead a new Pentecost. This is easier said than done because we stubbornly believe that we are both smart enough and good enough to know what needs doing. The Church may not be able to save all its buildings, but that is not the mission; cooperating with God to bring souls to Christ is. And so Powell advocated for a seeking Church, one that prophetically listens and goes out to find the lost sheep (who are close by). We must go. You and I. The scandal of particularity is that the Incarnation occurred in a specific time and location to real people. God needed Mary to say, “Let it be done to me according to your will.” God needed Joseph to heed the angel’s message to protect Jesus from a hostile world. (The word "need" is tricky here because God needs nothing, and this is precisely why it is scandalous). Mary and Joseph could have said no. Bishop McCaig pointed out that God invites a free response, and that our “Yes” gives God permission to act in our lives. Our cooperation also enables us to bring Jesus to other people so that He can work powerfully in their lives.
Institutionally and individually, we are in a storm, and Mary Rose Bacani Valenti meditated on the storm of sin and suffering in which we find ourselves. When I was a child, I was scared of being buried alive. As an adult, I am far more terrified of pancreatic cancer, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, addiction, and watching my friends and family members die slow painful deaths echoing the crucifixion. Add to this sea of suffering a blizzard of technological distraction, and it becomes easy to lose our nerve and take our eyes off Christ. Prayer is not efficient, Valenti said, but it is the only effective means for building the disciplined self-control and joy that Maximilian Kolbe demonstrated in Auschwitz. He shone the divine light in the hopelessness of a concentration camp by walking the talk: “Without sacrifice, there is no love.” Hope is only really hope when the situation is hopeless, but it is never truly hopeless because God is with us. In Advent especially, we must slow down to “live life at the pace of the soul,” as Powell put it. St. Ambrose counseled the same: “If faith and hope are to bear fruit, patience is necessary.” Hurry to bring Him gifts, but don’t panic. He is coming, just as He promised.
Members of Saint Mary’s Fraternity, Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) Calgary, along with Friar Dan Gurnick, OFM, Sister Dianne Turner, OSE, Sister Anne Adounkpe, FMM, and Deacon Tomas O’Toole, OFS, gathered in gratitude on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at Saint Luke Parish in Calgary. The occasion was a special dual celebration: honouring Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, patron saint of the Secular Franciscan Order, and commemorating the 10th, 15th, and 30th anniversaries of profession for fraternity members committed to living the Gospel in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. The celebration featured a presentation by Sister Dianne Turner, OSE, who led the Litany of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and shared an inspiring reflection on her virtues. Sister Dianne encouraged attendees to reflect on which of these virtues God might be calling them to grow in today. The brothers and sisters we celebrated on November 17th bear witness to a lifetime of living the Franciscan charism. Their commitment is a testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and a model of perseverance and faith. As a fraternity, we give thanks for their deepening faith, steadfastness in living the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order, and their invaluable contributions to both the fraternity and the broader Church. Their journey reflects steady growth and a continued openness to God’s call. We rejoice as a fraternity, offering prayers of thanksgiving for the years of dedication, service, and love that these members have given to the Secular Franciscan Order. Together, we strive to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis, supporting one another in living the Gospel with simplicity, peace, and joy in the world. May these anniversaries inspire us all to renew our own commitment to serving our Lord and His Church with the same faith and dedication. Congratulations to all celebrating these special anniversaries! Written by Erika Bancila, OFS, St. Mary’s Fraternity, Calgary.
We celebrated the testimonies of three speakers whose lay ministries actively witness to our Catholic faith in the community, inviting us to learn, to serve, and to share the Word through faith-filled programs. It was inspiring to learn more about the mission and beauty of our lay ministries, each with their own charisms and focus, including education for children and young adults, the promotion of prayer and healing, and advocacy for the sanctity of life. We are truly blessed with a wide range of ministries that bring faith, hope, and encouragement to our community. It is clear that God is leading the work of our lay ministries as they offer opportunities to nurture each of us and fill our souls with His grace. He has given each a mission, whether it be enriching prayer life, serving those in need, nurturing spiritual formation, or walking with those who are hurting. Our unified mission of invitation, welcome, and witness was a central theme of our time together. During our synodal dialogue, we reflected on the Word of God and His call to us as individuals, ministries, and the Church. As we hold tight to the vine of Christ, He calls each of us to be His hands, feet, and heart in reaching out to others. Our call as a Catholic community is to reach into the deep and broaden our circle so that each person we encounter is welcomed into the embrace of Christ. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ – Let’s Go Fishing! Join us for “Renewed in Hope,” a powerful three-day mission happening this Tuesday, Dec 3 to Thursday, Dec 5 at your parish from 7 pm to 8:30 pm each evening. In the midst of winter’s chill and the season’s busyness, take time to refresh your spirit and renew your hope. Hear from Brett Powell, Bishop Scott McCaig, and Mary Rose Bacani Valenti, who will join us live via Zoom, sharing messages on discipleship, building a faith-filled community, and nurturing family life. Their reflections will uplift and inspire us as we journey toward Christmas. Let's bundle up, brave the chill, and bring your friends and family!
We are in for a treat with our upcoming Advent Mission that features a talk from Bishop Scott McCaig. I can tell you that firsthand. Way back in the fall of 2002, I joined the Companions of the Cross, a Society of Apostolic Life (similar to a religious order) based out of Ottawa, Ontario. To commence my formation, I travelled the long road from the prairies, down to Ottawa, and then another a two-and-a-half-hour drive to a farm on the outskirts of Combermere, a small village tucked away in the forest along the Madawaska river. This area was beautiful like a storybook. I and twenty other young men had signed up that year, planning to become priests, and we were to spend the fall, winter and summer at this farm where the Companions hold their novitiate. We were going to learn how to live together, develop a disciplined life of prayer and learn more about our faith, all while deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ. We had two priests guiding us in our formation – Fr. Jim MacGillivray and Fr. Scott McCaig. When I think about spending that winter with Bishop Scott out on the farm, three things really stand out in my memory. He was a lumberjack, he was hilarious, and he was on fire for the Lord – and it came out in his preaching! While both he and I have a few more years on us now, I suspect none of those things have changed. Prior to his conversion to the Catholic faith and becoming a priest, Bishop Scott was a lumberjack. We learned that the hard way, because he was determined to teach all us seminarians to cut trees too! Every Saturday we would form a work crew under his guidance and head out into the forest. To this very day, I know all I could ever wish about chain saw safety, the exact way to bring down a tree, chop it up and stack it to dry. The farmhouse was also heated by this wood, so we had a schedule, and everyone had to take turns getting up in the middle of the night to keep the fire roaring and the house warm – Bishop Scott included – he led by example.
He would hold you riveted, his passion for the Kingdom of God reverberating through you as he spoke. Every time he finished preaching you were left inspired, itching to get out on mission for Christ. He is all about renewal, and always has been. As we continue the renewal in each of our parishes, I would really encourage you to sign up for the upcoming Advent Mission – and whatever happens, don’t miss Bishop Scott’s talk! A lumberjack Bishop with great stories and passionate preaching leading us deeper on our journey – what more could we ask for?
Each Advent I delight in opening the Bacani Valenti Family Christmas card. Mary Rose, a wife, homeschool mother of four girls aged 13, 10, 8 and 5, and freelance Catholic broadcaster, with her devoted husband Richard, an artist and videographer for Salt + Light Television, creatively write their Christmas card, using their art, photographs and words to reflect prayerfully on how God has moved in their family life. Their desire for holiness is evident and their card is a gift that turns my thoughts toward God. I met Richard and Mary Rose 20 years ago working in the Catholic media scene together in Toronto. Though we live at a distance now, our faith continues to connect us. It’s my pleasure to announce that Mary Rose will host one of three online Advent retreat evenings for the Diocese of Calgary. We are invited to gather in our parish, 7 pm, Dec. 3-5, to view the presenters: Brett Powell ‘Forming missionary disciples in Christ’; Bishop Scott McCaig ‘Be a Church of encounter and witness’; and Mary Rose Bacani Valenti ‘Strengthening family life’. The Bacani Valenti Family mission is to be a ‘Little Nazareth’ like the Holy Family. Simplicity is a cornerstone of their spirituality. They limit outside influences in the home, recognizing their foundation comes from offering one another the gift of presence. “‘Being’ is so important for us, so we spend our time just being together,” said Mary Rose of Richmond Hill, Ont. They seek activities that connect instead of divide; currently Mary Rose and her daughters act in a community theater twice weekly. Although the couple earns their living in communications, they limit technology use in their home. “I’m more like a monk. I don’t have notifications on my phone. I’m not on Facebook. I feel really called to enter into a silence,” said Mary Rose. She is currently praying the 19th Annotation, an at-home retreat centered on St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises. Mary Rose values her morning and evening prayer, weekly spiritual direction and moments of silence throughout the day. As a family, silence sounds like afternoon quiet time and an uncluttered schedule, allowing for a slower pace. “It’s living essentially…it’s a substantial silence, not just nobody talks – whether you read a book, write in a journal or go for a walk – we value that in our day.”
As a society “we value the doing and then we can’t think for ourselves, or invent things, or we are not as in tune with God. That’s why [our family likes] to write or do art because that comes from within us,” said Mary Rose. “I find we are less creative when we are busy; there is this emptiness, I don’t feel full.” For Mary Rose, writing her annual Christmas card isn’t busy work, but a space to reflect and pray. “It’s not a big burden because I do want to reflect on God’s gifts for us every year,” said Mary Rose. “We pick one theme and it’s our preparation for the year ahead.” Mary Rose invites you to join her at your parish on Dec. 5 to create intentional space for a guided Scriptural meditation and prayerfully reflect on how to strengthen your spiritual life in order to strengthen your own family.
At the age of seventy- six, I have seen and lived through much of the ebb and flow of Catholic renewal that came and went in the 20th and now the twenty-first century. Candidly, I was anaesthetised to any Church change and continued practicing a rather lifeless faith. I left the Catholic church in early 2020 and only returned in 2023. I was curious to know if anyone had noticed that I had left and returned. Some believed I was dead. Imagine my reaction when I held a door open for a lady with a walker. I didn't know her but imagined her to be in her early eighties. I assumed she'd pass me, enter the church and I would probably never see her again. She stopped, looked me straight in the eye, fixed her gaze on me, put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Gerald, you've been away too long." I was thunderstruck, speechless. This was something I wanted and needed to hear since I never really felt at home in Catholicism. I thought that was all she wanted to say. It would have been enough. Still, she continued to meet me eye to eye, her right hand on my left shoulder. Since I thought her ready to enter the church, I moved accordingly, but she said, "Stop. There's more." "Welcome home," she said. I tell you I felt my knees buckling. She very carefully, very clearly articulated "son," and was gone, leaving me to wonder about the implications of this meeting. Way: A Personal Reflection on Renewalby Gerald Morton The old man in me of unbent knee, Written by Gerald Morton, All Saints Parish, Lethbridge.
This year's Priests' Study Days brought over 80 priests to the Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Rockies, focusing on the theme "Co-responsibility in Mission," and the kickoff of Year II of the Pastoral Renewal. The Renewal journey, which began in 2023, continued with a new phase that officially launched on Oct 4, 2024, the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. On Tuesday, Oct 8, the day began with the "Cast into the Deep" Pastoral Renewal video, inspiring us to a renewed sense of trust and mission. Dr. Bonnie Annicchiarico, chair of the Diocesan Renewal Leadership Team, followed with key updates, and Bishop McGrattan joined remotely from Rome to present survey results. Priests then received their parish-specific insights, which sparked lively discussions as they shared surprising, encouraging, and thought-provoking takeaways. We now invite you to hear directly from Dr. Bonnie Annicchiarico, who led the Renewal session at the Study Days. Read our interview below as she shares her thoughts on Pastoral Renewal and offers her perspective on the journey ahead. Bonnie, how did you get involved with the Pastoral Renewal Team?
Can you share a bit about your background and journey?
Can you share your experience of presenting Year II at the Priests' Study Days? What was the key message you wanted to convey about the future of Pastoral Renewal?
What does Pastoral Renewal mean to you, and do you have any words of encouragement for us?
What are your hopes for Renewal as we enter Year II?
Photos courtesy of Dr Bonnie Annicchiarico, Fr Iqbal Kurshid, and Office of Communications.
In a time when meaningful connection is essential, our parish gathered for a special Renewal Gathering on St. Michael’s Feast Day, September 29, 2024. This intentional choice set the tone for a day filled with faith and fellowship, centered around the blessing of our new St. Michael statue. This ceremony fostered unity and served as a powerful symbol of protection and courage in our faith journey. The gathering was a key part of our diocesan Pastoral Renewal initiative, aimed at deepening our understanding of being a community of missionary disciples, reminding us that we are called, we matter, and we belong. After the blessing, we enjoyed a delicious lunch provided by St. Michael’s Knights of Columbus. Laughter and conversation flowed freely, reflecting the joy of being together and the warmth of our parish family. It was heartening to see parishioners of all ages in attendance, especially since we provided childcare for families with young children. With our hearts and minds prepared, we entered the sanctuary, warmly welcomed by our host, Mike Fitzsimmons. Uplifting praise songs led by the ‘Love One Another’ Community invited everyone to join in worship. The atmosphere was charged with the Holy Spirit as we engaged in a guided Lectio Divina and prayer led by Fr. Edmund and Fr. Kelvin, focusing on the Road to Emmaus narrative from Luke 24:13-35. This scripture teaches us to be open to the Holy Spirit, highlighting the need to recognize Christ’s presence in our lives, often in unexpected forms. Engaging with Scripture allowed deeper truths to be revealed, fostering spiritual growth. The breaking of bread symbolizes the significance of the Eucharist and community in encountering Christ. Ultimately, the disciples’ transformation from despair to joyful witnesses of the Resurrection illustrates how openness to the Holy Spirit leads to personal renewal and a commitment to sharing the Good News. The presentation on the Diocesan Pastoral Renewal, featuring a short video and slideshow, provided insight into our shared mission. This vision made our goals feel attainable, emphasizing our collective responsibility in living out our faith. It’s comforting to know we’re all in this together, highlighting the importance of community support in our journeys. Following the presentation, Christian Estrella led a reflection encouraging small group conversations about the three Pillars of Renewal. These discussions sparked new ideas and fostered a sense of ownership over our mission, providing a unique opportunity to ask meaningful questions that could help our parish become a vibrant hub of faith and outreach.
On a bright sunny day, African Catholics living in Calgary flocked to the first African-organized Mass celebrated in Calgary. The Bishop presided with concelebrants representing the main African nations of South Sudan, Ethiopia, Cameroon, and Nigeria living in Calgary. The celebration was a visual and auditory extravaganza, showcasing the enthusiasm and joy that African Catholics bring to their liturgical celebrations. With such a diverse congregation, Bishop McGrattan wisely devoted part of his homily to the Diocesan Renewal. He said "the core of the Renewal is a growing personal intimacy with the Lord." How simply explained and easy to understand! How much scope for reflection, which I did for days afterwards. The light went on for me after almost a year of posters, Zoom and in-person meetings and the indefatigable efforts of the Pastoral Centre to keep me informed and active. Good thing I am retired and have a high pain threshold! The light revealed this.
We need to aim high. I never recollect going into an exam just to get a D! Thank you Bishop McGrattan for that one sentence. Written by Cedric de Souza. Cedric is husband of Greta, father of four and grandfather of seven, all the joy of his life. He was born and educated in Kenya, Uganda, India, Britain and now is a happily retired resident in Alberta. He and Greta are long time parishioners of St. Bonaventure's Parish in Calgary, where he has served in several volunteer positions. He is currently the chair of St. Bonaventure's Parish Renewal team.
Holy Trinity is a small parish in the heart of the mountains in southwestern Alberta. We’ve been part of this parish for six years, and before that, we were involved with All Saints Parish in Lethbridge. We are glad to be engaged in the Renewal Process. We felt inspired by the initial meeting and presentation that the Diocese held at St. Martha’s Church in Lethbridge. Father Joe is also encouraged by the Renewal Process. Even though we are a small parish with not much activity, we are taking small, concrete steps to create an atmosphere of belonging. We want the focus to be Christ-centered in a practical way—calling people to community, building friendships, and exploring possibilities for spiritual growth.
Written by Marie & Steve Burger, Parish Renewal Team Members at Holy Trinity Parish, Blairmore. Photo courtesy of Holy Trinity Parish.
It’s not every day that a priest, a deacon, and a seminarian take the stage as the evening’s headlining performers. But that’s exactly what happened on August 16th, when St. Mary’s Cathedral hosted its summer renewal gathering. After the 5 pm Mass celebrated by Bishop McGrattan, parishioners were invited to the Parish Hall, where they were greeted with live music and an array of sandwiches and refreshments. The band, featuring Fr. Avinash Colaco, Deacon Greg Barcelon, and other members of the parish community, set the tone. Praise and worship songs, led by seminarian Peter An and other parishioners, provided a beautiful start to the evening’s entertainment. The band later performed several classic hits that kept the dance floor packed all night! The evening also provided an opportunity for parishioners to express their gratitude to the beloved Associate Pastor, Fr. Julian Studden, on his retirement, and to welcome Seminarian Peter An, who will be with the parish for the upcoming year. Meanwhile, outside, the children had their own section filled with games, a bouncy castle, arts and crafts, balloon animals, and face painting. There were laughter all around. The line for face painting also kept the volunteers busy, and the crafts table was never empty as kids’ worship songs played in the background. This renewal event offered activities for all ages—an important aspect recognized by the organizing committee. The youth and adult volunteers ensured that the children were kept busy, safe, and happy, allowing their parents to enjoy time in the hall with the community. It was heartwarming to see Bishop McGrattan engaging with the children at various stations, even taking time to sit at the craft table to make paper fish alongside them. The efforts of many parish groups and individuals were key to the evening’s success. The call for volunteers was shared after weekend Masses leading up to the event—and it worked! Both new and seasoned volunteers stepped forward, making it a true community effort. The sight of so many hands coming together to clean the hall after the event was, in itself, inspiring. The success of the Summer Gathering, which saw over 500 volunteers and participants, is a strong indication of the need and desire for continued pastoral renewal at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Written by Mary Ojo, a member of the Parish Renewal Team at St. Mary's Cathedral. As the youngest member of the team and a high school student, Mary also volunteers as an altar server at the Cathedral. Photos are courtesy of Mary Ojo.
The reinstallation of our Sacred Heart statue at St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church in Brocket, Alberta is a deeply significant event that resonated with the parish community, while symbolizing both continuity and renewal in our spiritual life. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, representing Christ's love and compassion for humanity, holds a special place in Catholic devotion, and its presence now high above and facing outward, serves as a constant reminder of these virtues. The reinstallation of such a statue is more than just an aesthetic enhancement; it is a spiritual and communal milestone that reflects the enduring faith of our Piikani people. The process of reinstallation often begins with careful planning and preparation. This involves both logistical considerations, such as the statue’s transport and artistic repair work as well as spiritual preparations, such as prayers and blessings. The statue may have been temporarily removed for restoration and repair, but its return was eagerly anticipated by many parishioners. The reinstallation symbolizes the return of something beloved and familiar, yet renewed and restored, reflecting the cyclical nature of spiritual life—constantly renewing while maintaining deep roots in tradition.
Many Catholics have a strong personal devotion to the Sacred Heart, and the statue serves as a focal point for prayer, reflection, and the offering of intentions. Its reinstallation will reignite these devotions, encouraging parishioners to deepen their relationship with Christ through the Sacred Heart. The statue thus becomes a source of spiritual nourishment, inspiring acts of love, compassion, and service across the community.
We are truly blessed to have such a devoted group of individuals who consistently go above and beyond to support St. Paul’s. Their generosity and selflessness do not go unnoticed, and we are deeply thankful for everything they do. May God continue to bless them abundantly for their kindness and dedication. Together, we look forward to continuing our mission of faith, service, and love. Thank you, God Squad, for being near to us at the heart of St. Paul’s Parish. In conclusion, the reinstallation of the Sacred Heart statue at our church was a profound event that blended the practical with the spiritual. It was a moment of continuity, where the past and present meet in the shared devotion of our community. As the statue was placed once again in its rightful place, it stands as a beacon of faith, reminding all who travel on Highway 3, of the enduring love and mercy of Christ. The rededication not only restored a beloved religious icon to its place of honour, but also reaffirmed the faith and unity of the Piikani people and its supporters, ensuring that the light of Christ’s love continues to shine brightly in our midst. Written by Deacon Tom O'Toole, St. Paul's Parish, Brocket, AB.
We believe in a God who “travels the paths of history and shares in the life of humanity.” A term that captures this belief is the word “synodality.” The term comes from the Greek words “syn” meaning “together” and “hodos” meaning “way” or “journey.” So, synodality is a “journey taken together”; it describes how God accompanies us and how we are called to accompany one another in Christ. In October 2021, Pope Francis convened a gathering of religious, cleric, and lay persons from around the world, to discuss and discern how the Church could better embody synodality. In his opening homily, Pope Francis described synodality as having three components - an openness to encounter others and God, heartfelt listening to the other, and spiritual discernment. He said, synodality called us to be open, courageous, and willing to let ourselves be challenged by the presence and the stories of others. The Holy Father asked: “Are we prepared for the adventure of this journey? Or are we fearful of the unknown, preferring to take refuge in the usual excuses: ‘It’s useless’ or ‘We’ve always done it this way’?" So, synodality refers to the involvement and participation of the whole People of God in the life and mission of the Church. The blueprint for how we are called to embody synodality is what the Calgary-wide Pastoral Renewal is all about. It is a process that creates opportunities for us to encounter God and one another, to empower us in the art of listening to God and one another, and how we, together, can discern how God is calling us to live by the words and deeds of Jesus. Phase One of our synodal journey (October 2021-April 2022) has been completed. At that time, Pope Francis mandated that a process of encounter and listening be established in every diocese throughout the world, so that the People of God could voice their thoughts and feelings on two questions: #1: How is this “journeying together” happening today in your local Church? and #2: What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”? As a follow up to this initiative, the Diocese of Calgary launched a parish-wide survey. In June of this year, St. Michael's Parish in Calgary was invited to participate in the Diocesan-wide survey. Of the 1826 weekly attendees at Sunday Mass, 1288 filled in the questionnaire. Our participation rate was 70.54% - much higher than what the experts had predicted! Our parish is now ready to take the next step of Renewal journey. Our focus is shifting to three pillars that will help support and focus our efforts. These three pillars are: #1: Being missionary disciples in Christ, #2: Being a Church of encounter and witness, and #3: Strengthening family life. In the next three weeks, the three pillars of pastoral renewal will be explored. We are part of a faith community that is deeply synodal in nature. We have embarked upon an extraordinary, historic journey toward discovering how to be Church in the third millennium through a process of encounter, listening, and discernment where we celebrate that everyone is called, that everyone matters, and that everyone belongs. Written by St. Michael Catholic Community Parish Renewal Team. Photos: St. Michael's, Calgary.
The following links on will take you to testimonies, teachings and stories that will help to deepen your understanding of the priorities of the Diocese of Calgary’s Pastoral Renewal. The links are all video or audio links. We encourage you to view and share as we come to understand and embrace the priorities of renewal. Form Missionary Disciples in Christ
Strengthen Family Life
Be a Church of Encounter and Witness
A 50th Anniversary… a time for celebration, praise, and thanksgiving for Holy Spirit Parish in Calgary, established on August 18, 1974, by Bishop Paul O’Byrne to meet the needs of the growing Catholic population in the southwest quadrant of Calgary! Our Beginning: Growing with the Spirit Quickly outgrowing the space at St. Benedict School, a fundraising campaign, "Growing with the Spirit," was initiated with the participation of the entire parish. The result was a move into a beautiful church on June 25, 1988. Fr. David Meadows shared, "I think one of the most memorable moments in the history of Holy Spirit was the actual construction and building of Holy Spirit Church in 1988. And then eventually paying off the debt." Although beautiful, this building still required a lot of work, as the offices, meeting rooms, kitchen, etc., were not complete. Once again, parishioners stepped up with another fundraising campaign, "Together in the Spirit." As before, parishioners generously gave their time, talent, and treasure, which included building a retaining wall, crafting the first set of Stations of the Cross and candlestick holders and ambo, painting the interior, and assembling pews. A fire in May 1998 once again demonstrated the resolve of the parishioners, as the church was restored by the fall of that year, allowing the parish community to resume as usual. Through all these years, the Holy Spirit has continually invited parishioners to grow in their faith by offering their time and talents, whether in Sunday or weekday liturgies, beautifying the environment, leading Bible studies, prayer groups, rosary making, sacrament preparation, catechesis and RCIA/RCIT, youth ministry, pastoral care, sponsoring families, or being members of the Knights of Columbus or the Catholic Women’s League.
During the COVID years, a small group of parishioners kept the parish functioning so that Sunday and daily Mass could be celebrated, despite the toll the virus took. With that in mind, the 50th Anniversary Committee decided to focus on “rebuilding,” with "Life in the Spirit" as the theme. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, a year-long celebration was planned, with hospitality and prayer at the core. Reflecting on the spirit of our parish, Anna Glynn, a long-time member and former parish secretary, shared how Fr. Joe Toole would remind her, "always remember that when someone comes to the office, you are the face of Christ." This profound guidance shaped not only her years of service but also continues to resonate with our parish community today. It’s a powerful reminder of the role we all play in embodying the love and compassion of Christ, in being a Church of Encounter and Witness. Beginning in April, a month before the kickoff, parishioners were asked to become part of a pictorial/history book, inspiration magnets were distributed to all the students of our three schools, names of parish families were displayed on “Flames” on our church windows, a beautiful anniversary banner was designed and made by three talented women, 800 anniversary rosaries were made by our rosary makers and distributed at our anniversary Mass on Pentecost, and 5 beautiful Travelling Prayer Crosses were made and donated by two families. These crosses were blessed by Bishop McGrattan and are traveling weekly from home to home as parishioners pray for the needs of the parish and the community. A Hopeful Future Our 50th Anniversary Mass, celebrated on May 19 , 2024 with Bishop McGrattan as the celebrant and a congregation wearing red, lifted their voices in grateful praise and thanksgiving as the year-long celebration began. Each month, different activities are planned to strengthen our congregation as a family where all are called, belong, and matter, so that life in the Spirit continues to grow. In this season of Pastoral Renewal, Fr. Meadows expressed, "My hope for the future is that the parish will continue to grow and to be able to meet the challenges and needs of an ever-changing world." As our church community prays before each weekend Mass, “Come Holy Spirit,” we hope to continue bringing His presence to the community for the next 50 years and beyond.
I started working at St. Gerard’s Parish in Calgary in 2021 and soon came to know the spirited community there. Each parishioner brings a unique gift, contributing to the warmth, faith-filled essence, and camaraderie that you feel as you walk in. Getting to know them personally is the best part of my job. Rozi Zorko is a long-term member of St. Gerard’s Parish. At 99 years old, she still drove to daily morning Mass! I was impressed and convinced that I had to meet her personally. One morning, as I was sitting at my desk, I saw her park her car. I wanted to meet this legend before she reached the entrance. As I stepped out of the office, she tripped on the pavement, just a few steps from the church entrance. Oh no! Gordon, our maintenance guy, and I rushed to assist her. She graciously stood up like nothing had happened. When I asked her if she was okay, she replied, “I am fine!” Thankfully, she truly was, and we escorted her to the door. I also got to know her daughter Mary, who informed me that Rozi was turning 100 in August 2021. However, Mary was having trouble getting a special certificate for Rozi’s 100th birthday from the Papal office in Rome. Due to time constraints, I managed to create a 100th birthday certificate to honor her, with a signature from our pastor, Fr. Ignatius Tran. The following year, thanks to the assistance of the Bishop's Office, I finally got Rozi her official 100th birthday certificate from Pope Francis. I believe it’s important to recognize milestones with simple gestures that mean a lot. This led to the celebration of monthly birthday and wedding anniversary celebrations every Friday after the 9 am morning Mass, as well as the posting of special occasions in our weekly newsletter and on our monitors. Celebrations like Rozi’s birthday bring the community together. We are called to be a Church of Encounter and Witness every day. At St. Gerard’s, visitors and strangers are always welcome to share a meal and their story. A family member visiting her mom had this to say: “One time when we attended Mass, a lady named Rozi had her 102nd birthday, and we were invited by her daughter to attend the party afterward.” The minute you walk into our space, you are part of our family! Pull up a chair—we’re here to listen to your experience. Mary graciously shares a few details below about her mom, Rozi, on her 103rd birthday, August 24, 2024. Please join me and the community in celebrating Rozi’s wonderful milestone.
Parish Renewal – a concept and process that we at St. Augustine’s see as a great need. With great enthusiasm, we began our process of Renewal at St. Augustine's Parish, guided by the Diocese's framework. We assembled a team consisting of our Catholic school administrators, parish staff members, and other parish community members who represented various groups. As we considered the three areas of pastoral renewal, our immediate attention was drawn to the third focus area. We recognized the need to strengthen our families' faith lives, their connection to the parish, and to collaborate with the schools in encouraging the faith life of our young people. We also understood that this process needed to be approached with an eye toward the first two pastoral priorities. As a first step, a strong effort was made—and continues—to be very present in our Catholic schools during important events, with participation by either our pastor or deacon in religious education classes. However, as the parish became very busy with the Lenten and Easter seasons, we experienced a bit of a lull in the renewal process. It was felt that we needed a significant event to kickstart things again. With the advent of the parish survey, we decided it was critical to truly understand where our parishioners were at so we could begin to focus our attention on their needs, the gaps they might see, and base our future plans on those results. Already in progress was a new venture for us: a Corpus Christi procession throughout our town on the day of our young children’s First Communion. We took a deep breath and prayerful approach, knowing that the same date would also mark the kickoff of the renewal survey. It was all hands on deck. Planning for First Communion and Corpus Christi was already well underway, so the question became how we could piggyback on these events. Recognizing that this would be a day when many people, both active and inactive, would be present, we prepared our parishioners for three weeks leading up to June 2, 2024 (Pastoral Survey Sunday). We made strong pulpit announcements about the survey and the need for everyone to make their voices heard. The church was plastered with posters about the survey, and the week before, we placed copies of the QR codes throughout the pews and on the walls of the church.
Sometimes, when we set out on a new initiative, we can forget the positives of what we already do. We feel it is critical to remember that we have a vibrant and faith-filled parish to continue building on. As we think of renewal, we are also drawn to all that we do, or are beginning to do, within our parish to encourage and involve our parishioners. Below are just two examples, but there are many more. The first is new to us; the second is always ongoing!
You could ask yourself: Why has Bishop McGrattan spearheaded this Diocesan Renewal? There are many reasons and causes, but as Catholics, we believe that, in the end, it is God who wants to renew the Diocese and to renew us: renewing us in our love for Him, our love for families, and our love for the faith. In this light, Ascension Catholic Parish went on a seven-week thematic journey each weekend during the Easter Season with a Series on the Eucharist. It was a chance to underline what we believe on Jesus’ own Word: that Jesus remains truly present among us, the Bread of Life. It aimed to deepen our understanding and increase our devotion, recognizing Jesus’ profound, constant love for his daughters and sons. The Series Fr. Daniel Wilson LC and I began the Series reminding us why Eucharistic devotion is so central to our faith, and in the subsequent weeks helped us to delve into its meaning and significance. To go through the topics that were discussed is, in itself, a mini-renewal of our understanding of this Sacrament: Each week, the Greeters and Ushers helped to give our small cards to every parishioner, as a reminder of the theme. It was a way of saying that you belong, you are called, you matter. On the back of the card, we had two points to chat about on the way home from Church: What did Jesus teach us? and What is Jesus saying to me today?
Catholic Pastoral Centre Staff and Guest Writers Archives
January 2025