You are called. You matter. You belong.
These simple yet profound words capture the essence of our Pastoral Renewal. Jesus personally calls each one of us to follow Him and to remain by His side, for He deeply loves us. And it is not merely a call; it is a profound affirmation that we truly matter. Every aspect of our lives - our dreams, our struggles, our joys - carries immense significance, for we are integral parts of God’s divine plan. Each one of us, in our uniqueness, contributes to the beauty and unfolding of God’s gift of salvation in the world. In this pilgrim journey of faith, let us be reminded that we belong to the Body of Christ, a community of disciples united in the one mission, and bound together by the love of our Lord. |
A Pilgrim's Journey
Pastoral Renewal is the commitment of the clergy, religious, and the faithful in the Diocese of Calgary to authentically grow closer to JESUS, who calls us to follow Him and live His mission in this particular moment in time.
The themes and realities emerging from the Diocesan Synthesis have ignited our discernment regarding the path of conversion and renewal to which the Spirit is beckoning us. Similar to the early Church, the synodal renewal of our faith communities depend on the primacy of grace, the witness of prayer and worship, communion, faith formation, outreach and leadership. These are the foundations of every parish faith community. Through this renewal, we seek to invite others to join us in the journey.
The Pastoral Renewal is not a pastoral planning process that comes equipped with GPS technology that is intended to provide turn-by-turn directions or predetermined pastoral programs and/or initiatives. Instead, it serves as a COMPASS to strengthen our synodal experience of communion, mission and participation.
The three areas of pastoral priority and nine actions presented in the Pastoral Renewal are meant to orient us towards Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. They serve as coordinates, indicating the path of discernment and the direction we will embark upon with the Holy Spirit as our guide. Discerning how to navigate this pastoral journey requires attentive consideration of our immediate surroundings - the unique pastoral realities of our people, parishes, and communities. |
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For the clergy, religious and faithful of the Diocese of Calgary, may the pastoral renewal guide us ever deeper into the communion of the Church, strengthen our participation in it, prepare us to go out on mission, and fortify our bonds of love, understanding, and commitment as we embark on this journey together, let us pray to the Lord... |
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