Pastoral Ministry
For conversations on matters dealing with Pastoral Ministry, contact Huy Nguyen at 403-218-5547 or email.
Social Justice & Outreach MinistriesFor conversations on matters dealing with the Catholic Social Teaching, social justice and outreach ministries, contact Fr. Wilbert Chin Jon at 403-218-5500 or email.
On matters dealing with Lay Associations, ecumenism or inter religious, please contact the Vicar for Lay Associations, Fr. Adrian Martens via email.
Canonical ServicesFor inquiries on marriage permissions and dispensations, declaration of nullity (annulments), archives and sacramental records, outside speakers permission, contact Canonical Services at 403-218-5514.
Finance & AdministrationFor inquiries on donations, charitable giving, facilities and construction projects, finance and payroll and parish accounting, human resources, policy & procedures, leadership development, talent management, volunteer and vulnerable sector management, contact the Finance & Administration office at 403-218-5500 or email.
CommunicationsFor inquiries about internal and external communications support, contact Lia O'Hara at 403-218-5511 or email.
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Assisting the Bishop in his ministry...
Moderator of the CuriaFr. Wilbert Chin JonThe Moderator of the Curia coordinates the administrative responsibilities within a diocese and makes sure the vision of the Bishop is fulfilled through the work of the Curia.
It is for the diocesan bishop himself to coordinate the pastoral action of the vicars general or episcopal vicars. Where it is expedient, a moderator of the curia can be appointed who must be a priest and who, under the authority of the bishop, is to coordinate those things which pertain to the treatment of administrative affairs and to take care that the other members of the curia properly fulfill the office entrusted to them. (Can. 473 §2). Unless in the judgment of the bishop local circumstances suggest otherwise, the vicar general or if there are several, one of the vicars general, is to be appointed moderator of the curia. (§3) Vertical Divider
Bishop's DelegateFr. Tim BoyleBishop's delegate is the Bishop’s representative to deal with allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct dealing with clergy.
He demonstrates the Bishop’s obligation and concern for truth, justice and healing in these cases. Vertical Divider
ChancellorFr. Nathan SirayIn a Catholic Diocese, the Chancellor, unless particular law states otherwise, is to ensure that the acts of the curia are drawn up and there is a record of all official documents required for the various areas of Diocesan governance. The Chancellor ensures that the administrative and judicial acts of the Diocese are gathered, arranged, safeguarded and preserved in the Diocesan Archives (Canon 482). The Bishop may also delegate the Chancellor to exercise other functions.
Vicars GeneralThe Vicar General functions primarily as a helper to the bishop in areas of administration and governance of the entire diocese. His actual day-to-day tasks are determined by the diocesan bishop.
In each diocese the diocesan bishop must appoint a vicar general who is provided with ordinary power according to the norm of the following canons and who is to assist him in the governance of the whole diocese. As a general rule, one vicar general is to be appointed unless the size of the diocese, the number of inhabitants, or other pastoral reasons suggest otherwise. (Code of Canon Law #475) |
Episcopal VicarsEpiscopal vicars by canon law (c. 478 §1) are priests not less than 30 years old, doctors or licensed in canon law or theology or at least truly expert in these disciplines, and recommended by sound doctrine, integrity, prudence, and experience in handling matters.
Every priest is the bishop’s representative, but vicars act for the bishop. Essentially, the person holding that title has authority to make decisions on behalf of the Bishop. The Bishop can't be everywhere. Therefore, an episcopal vicar who shares the vision of the Bishop is appointed to provide pastoral care in an area or activity of the diocese. How would Episcopal Vicars improve things? Bishop McGrattan envisions more active participation of the faithful in building the kingdom of God. Therefore, the newly appointed vicars are readily available to provide pastoral care to Catholics in the specified areas of ministry. |