The Office of Catechetics & Discipleship Minsitry assists the Bishop in his primary responsibility of the teaching of the Catholic faith (ref. GDC 265), for the cultivation of missionary disciples who are equipped for evangelization.
The Office develops, coordinates, directs and supports the catechetical initiatives of the diocese and all parish religious education and formation programs. The Office also collaborates and supports other Catholic institutions in the ecclesial mission of transmitting the beauty and the truth of the Catholic faith with fidelity and vigor. Sacraments PreparationThe experience of preparing children for sacraments during the pandemic further confirms the strength of the parish-based sacrament preparation programs, envisioned as a process that involves the family, catechists, Catholic schools, and the whole parish community as we collaboratively lead our children to a richer understanding of sacramentality and reception of grace.
Starting Sep. 2021 the Diocese of Calgary will return to the parish-based sacraments preparation. For more information on how to register and prepare for the sacraments, please contact your parish directly. Vertical Divider