John J. Bouz
3/11/2020 06:53:49 pm
I am afraid that you have conflicting statements. In one paragraph you have that those who arrive from international travel, should quarantine themselves for 14 days, which means staying at home and not going to mass, an I agree with this. In your last paragraph you state that those with flue-like symptoms may choose if they go or not. I disagree with this and you should reword this paragraph as soon as possible, and say that those people should first call health link, and they should not go to mass.
Office of Communications
3/12/2020 02:18:37 pm
Thank you for catching that, John. We have updated the General Directives.
Gwendolyn M. Vella
3/12/2020 08:25:19 am
Good. Will do. Good ideas.
3/12/2020 08:33:38 am
If your public health experts say there is no increased risk no matter how you receive Communion, why is only a priest able to distribute on the tongue and be required to be away from the main aisle.
Eva Sia Lu
3/12/2020 03:23:11 pm
Gail is absolutely right! I think we should not allow giving communion on the tongue for safety precaution until this pandemic is over. God bless 🙏.
3/12/2020 08:56:05 pm
From the Congregation of Divine Worship: "each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion of the tongue."
3/16/2020 09:25:12 pm
Encouraging communion on the hand is actually worse than receiving on the tongue as people have dirty hands full of germs and have a natural tendency to touch their face, nose etc. Receiving communion on the hand is more likely to pass germs into the mouth. If a priest encourages on the tongue and teaches those how to receive on the tongue would be the safest way to receive and increase the reverence in the real presence of Christ. Even one particle that falls to the ground when receiving on the hand means that our Lord falls to the ground and is trampled on.
3/17/2020 02:33:58 pm
Where is your faith? Holy Communion is the Christ's Body. God will not make you ill, unless you are taking His Body in gravely sin or unless it is His will. God loves His children and would not make them sick by giving Himself up to you!
3/15/2020 09:45:11 am
Receiving our Lord on the tongue is a right that cannot be taken away.
darrell connick
3/15/2020 03:35:10 pm
Virus can be passed from hand to hand as it can from tongue to hand.
3/17/2020 07:36:11 pm
Thanks for your wise comment Albert. We need more thinking like this in all parishes.
3/12/2020 02:14:08 pm
Hello, I would like to make a suggestion, if the parishes haven't implemented yet after this past Sunday's masses. Could hand sanitizers be made available at the church entrance where the holy water font used to be? This way people entering the church can sanitize their hands. This small act of prevention, hopefully, will go a long way in protecting everyone. Thank you.
3/12/2020 05:55:10 pm
3/12/2020 05:53:27 pm
"Only priests may distribute Holy Communion to those who choose to receive on their tongue at a designated area apart from the main aisle."
3/16/2020 06:48:17 pm
Communion on the hand was not sanctioned by the second Vatican council. Vatican 2 ended in 1965. The papal indult decreeing that the faithful had permission to receive on the hand was issued to Canada in February 1970. 5 years AFTER the second Vatican council. The indult also stated that the faithful can NOT be refused to receive on the tongue. It also said that communion in the hand should not be used indiscriminately(that didn’t work out so well). VII was also not a dogmatic council. No new dogma was proclaimed. Also, do you really think that it is more sanitary to receive on the hand? The hand that has touched the pew, your car keys, your missal, the handles of the car and church doors? Not to mention if the minister of communion touches your hand (which most of the time happens), then their hand is touching all of the hosts which then go into peoples mouths.
3/17/2020 11:43:51 am
This is exactly right Alex. Long has receiving communion on the tongue been misrepresented. It is an injustice that both are not equally promoted (ie, making a kneeler available for the faithful to make getting up easier for the elderly to receive on the tongue); especially when the church has the longest tradition of only receiving on the tongue.
3/13/2020 05:18:11 pm
Archdiocese of Toronto cancels weekend Masses in wake of COVID-19
3/14/2020 03:02:23 pm
I hope so John. We see many sick an elderly attending mass and they won't stop unless our Bishop invokes a moratorium. We are only two weeks behind Italy, our best chance is to go hard at it now or we will all be locked up in our houses. May God bless us all.
Office of Communications
3/18/2020 12:22:08 pm
Hi John, if you haven't heard already from your parish, Bishop McGrattan has suspended all weekend and Sunday Masses until April 5, 2020, effective immediately. The Decree and Letter from Bishop McGrattan can be found at - Thank you for your message!
3/14/2020 07:19:47 am
Hi All,
3/14/2020 05:20:16 pm
I agree with Stephen. Let’s follow the examples of Ottawa (only 4 cases to date), Toronto, Quebec and other countries with less cases than CALGARY. Let’s not test God’s will!
3/14/2020 10:56:46 am
I agree with John and Stephen in previous posts. Quebec and Toronto have cancelled all weekend masses. Vancouver is complying with limit of 250 persons but still allowing Mass. Calgary is not doing any of the above. Please protect the health and safety of our citizens by making the right decision, at least for this weekend until we can be sure that attending Mass will not accelerate the spread of COVID-19.
3/15/2020 10:30:51 am
I agree with Stephen , the Bishop has granted a dispensation for this weekend, i think he should grant this disposition for another few weeks, so that our health authority can get a handle on the situation. Our priests are vulnerable as well, we must not forget that. Blessings.
3/15/2020 12:59:07 pm
Communion is not a "Bread Line" ! Receiving the body of Christ is not something to be triffled with, it should be done with respect and revererance accorded to him who sacrificed his life for the forgiveness of sins.
3/16/2020 03:28:47 pm
I want to know what is the current situation with regards to weekend and weekday masses. As the Archdiocese of Edmonton has suspended and cancelled all masses till further notice.
Office of Communications
3/18/2020 12:20:50 pm
Dear Jude, Bishop McGrattan has suspended all weekend and Sunday Masses until April 5, 2020, effective immediately. The Decree and Letter from Bishop McGrattan can be found at
Kathy Greaney
3/16/2020 07:29:56 pm
Thank you so much for your quick response to this situation and for providing information on weekday and Sunday masses. It is much appreciated and we all need to do our part to get through this crisis.
David Leahy
3/16/2020 08:15:42 pm
When will the Masses be live streamed?
Office of Communications
3/18/2020 12:18:13 pm
Hi David, St. Peter's Church in Calgary is streaming and recording Weekly Masses. Here are the links to get access to Weekly Masses - streamed or to access playback recording:
Sarah Jane Meyer
3/16/2020 08:56:32 pm
Please provide a link to the week-day masses streaming from St. Peter's and a link for the Sunday mass from St. Mary's. Thank you.
Office of Communications
3/18/2020 12:16:47 pm
Hi Sarah Jane,
3/16/2020 10:30:48 pm
Generally we should agree and will follow. However I strongly believe that it should be a great lesson for us all, including myself, that we have to turn back to God unconditionally. We can't remain even lukewarm but trust fully God. Whatever, we should follow AHS professional advice for being careful, curing our bodies but be sure that our spiritual health is maintained and strong again for our life and eternal future.
Bob Sontrop
3/17/2020 05:54:51 am
.. er .. uh .. but isn't the "Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity" that of the Divine Physician?
Magdi - Pastoral Care volunteer
3/17/2020 09:03:57 am
Why there is no mention of the many pastoral visits by the Pastoral Care volunteers who visit the sick, elderly, shut-ins?
Office of Communications
3/18/2020 12:13:21 pm
Hi Magdi, thank you for your message. As per our directives on March 11, Pastoral care ministers who bring Holy Communion to shut-ins should refrain from visiting homes or facilities where cases of influenza or COVID-19 have been reported. Hope that helps!
Ana Maria
3/17/2020 04:51:01 pm
Hello, I'm having trouble finding today's (March 17) recorded Mass. The link at St Peter's website only takes me to the live-stream page. Can you re-post the link for finding the recorded Masses?
Office of Communications
3/18/2020 12:07:50 pm
Today's Daily Mass (March 18) recording from St. Peter's Church in Calgary is available here on Facebook: - Daily Mass will stream at 8:30 am through Facebook and their website: -- this page will be updated to with current recordings soon!
3/17/2020 07:39:31 pm
Shutting down masses is exactly the wrong thing to do. At this crucial time there should be MORE masses. Where is our faith in God?
Marian J Buettner
3/18/2020 09:02:28 am
I Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide our Pope, Bishops and Priests, and guide our people to do God's Will. Prayer, Cooperation and Respect is important at this critical time. Invite God into our hearts. He will find a way.
3/29/2020 08:38:46 am
Can you, please put Bishop McGrattan's past homilies on the website during the COVID-19 lockdown situation?
Peter Kallen
4/4/2020 06:57:33 am
Will there be any distribution of Palms on Palm Sunday? Perhaps I missed it in the directives.
Timothy Lilienthal
4/8/2020 08:41:08 am
Have I missed something or has there yet to be published a Dispensation from our Sunday Obligation beyond April 5th? Comments are closed.
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