2021 Annual Impact ReportWelcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." |
This Easter we gathered in our churches without any restriction on occupancy. This was the realization of a hope which was made possible by the perseverance of the past two years and in which pastoral service and outreach were offered in spite of restrictions, barriers, and limitations.
The pandemic has reminded us of our interconnectedness to each other, our family and friends, and the world around us. Over the past two years, technology addressed our inability to meet in person and for the most part helped us to be present to one another as a parish community. It has opened us to a global consciousness where people across neighbourhoods, cities, countries, and continents were able to connect virtually like never before. Through the Synod, we are becoming more aware of the spirit of communion and participation, and in coming together to promote the mission of Christ. St. Paul appealed to the Roman community to adopt this synodal spirit of Christian witness, “May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:5-7) |
St. Paul’s encouragement to strive for unity even in the midst of differences was fostered by their relationship with Christ and communally with one another. The offering of welcome and hospitality becomes the foundation of a community that promotes outreach and service.
This Impact Report reflects and highlights the welcome and hospitality being extended through the parishes and the Diocese. It should raise within us a profound sense of gratitude for the blessings we have received from God in the past year and the appreciation of the gifts generously offered by the faithful in service of others. Through the lens of the Synod, may this report also promote through listening and dialogue the discernment of new pathways for the Diocese and the parishes as we live out this mission in our local communities of Southern Alberta. As the Diocese, let us continue to walk and work together in Christ. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend William T. McGrattan Bishop of Calgary April 22, 2022 |
Summary of operationsThe revenue of the past two years was directly impacted by the pandemic. However, we witnessed an increase in revenue in 2021 which demonstrates the continued generosity of the faithful in their financial giving amidst these challenges. We also recognize their concern for the life of the Church and their participation in the planning and assistance in the delivery of pastoral services and outreach.
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Working togetherThank you for the sharing of your gifts. The Diocese and the parishes have provided continued service through the collaboration of clergy, religious, staff, and volunteers.
As of December 2021, there are 137 lay staff and 81 clergy serving in the Parishes. There were a total of 13 lay staff in the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 15 lay staff in supporting programs, 21 clergy and 4 religious sisters. |
Parish Priests respond to requests for Sacraments for the sick and the dying in their parishes. Three cities in the Diocese require a system to support their ministry in the high volume of requests in hospitals, hospices, and care homes 24 hours a day.
In the City of Calgary where there are many hospitals and health facilities, dedicated hospital priest chaplains provide on-call service to emergency calls. Prior to the pandemic, the ministry of the priest-chaplains was supported by parish lay pastoral ministers and coordinators who would visit patients and who may also provide Holy Communion upon request. |
This outreach in the centre of the city of Calgary has been in existence for 25 years. As a result of the pandemic, this essential program of outreach was unable to host the weekly sit-down Sunday meal. Therefore, Feed the Hungry has been providing curbside-pickup food and care packages to approximately 300 guests every Sunday since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. Food security remains a pressing need in Calgary. Data shows that our guests face moderate to severe food insecurity so they skip meals or go an entire full day without a meal.
Donations to Feed the Hungry through the Birdies for Kids website are matched up to 50% - donate here | Or donate directly below.
Elizabeth House celebrated 25 years of providing shelter and supporting resilience in young mother-led families in 2021. Through Elizabeth House, we offer a transitional home and outreach support to pregnant and parenting young women at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. 2021 was an exceptionally challenging year for everyone, particularly vulnerable young families. Elizabeth House was called to respond in new and creative ways to meet the needs of young mothers facing the harmful effects of poverty, isolation and diminished supports. We were continually inspired by the incredible courage, tenacity and faith of these young women. They faced these challenges and asked for support in order to build a stronger future for themselves and their child. We are grateful for the ongoing support of our Catholic community for their care, donations and time in making this healing space possible.
Donations to Elizabeth House through the Birdies for Kids website are matched up to 50% - donate here
The St. Francis Xavier Chaplaincy (SFXC) promotes faith, formation and fellowship for young adults within the Diocese in outreach to university students, young professionals, and young families.
In Calgary, the priest-chaplain connects with all of the universities in the city, collaborating with Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO), and St. Mary’s University to support these young adults. An associate chaplain in Lethbridge provides the same support. SFXC supports Bethany House for women (4 members) and St. Henry House for men (5 members). They hold regular meetings each week, for respective gatherings of male and female catechetical formation and fellowship. Weekly RCIA sessions seek to welcome new young adult Catholics into the community. |
The Office of Vocations assists in the discernment of men called to the diocesan priesthood and women and men called to the religious/consecrated life. It also supports the formation and education of seminarians for ordination to the priesthood.
The Formation of Permanent Deacons is a 4-year Diocesan program of formation which assists married and single men to discern this vocation as an ordained ministry of service in the Diocese. The program integrates human, spiritual, theological and pastoral elements in order to assist candidates in identifying their vocation as Christ the Servant. The academic and pastoral dimensions of the program are offered in collaboration with St. Mary’s University and the involvement of diocesan priests and deacons. |
Diocesan priests receive a monthly salary with deductions for taxes, CPP, and EI. They join the diocesan pension plan through a monthly contribution which is matched by their parish or by the Diocese. The normal age for receiving the pension is between 68-71 years of age. When priests retire, in consultation with the Bishop, many continue in ministry by replacing in parishes when needed.
The Diocese provides priests with various options for their residence in retirement. Some live independently providing for their own living accommodation, some live in parish rectories, and some live in the Dorchester Square in downtown Calgary where rental rates are lower due to a subsidy provided by the Diocese. Retired priests that require more assistance due to health and age may choose to reside in the St. Jean Vianney section at Providence Care Centre. They contribute a monthly payment for the cost of their residency, and, if there are any deficiencies, these are covered by the Diocese. Priests in ministry who are convalescing and require temporary support and assistance may also receive this care. |
Read Mike MacDonald's stories and posts for Mission Mexico
Thank You Volunteers & Donors!
Photos in the Annual Report are courtesy of Victor Panlilio Photography, St. Francis Xavier Chaplaincy, St. Mary's Cathedral, Mike McDonald, and Feed the Hungry.
We thank you on behalf of those who benefit from the ministries, services, programs, and outreach of the parishes and the Diocese. Your commitment to provide financial support and to serve is very much appreciated.
May the Lord bless you for your generosity. |