The call to Consecrated life is a profound gift to both the individual, the communities of Consecrated life, and the broader faith community of the local Church. Within our Diocese, we are blessed to have celibate Consecrated persons, each living out their unique vocations with deep devotion to the Lord in imitation of His Gospel way of life and the spirituality of their institutes. These include Religious Brothers and Priests, Religious Sisters, a Diocesan Hermit, other Consecrated men and women, as well as candidates for Consecrated Virginity.
Consecrated life is a way of profound love and service to Christ and His Church. Through their commitment to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to their particular call from God, they contribute uniquely to the life of the local and universal Church. Their dedication not only deepens their own spiritual life but also enriches our Diocese with their witness of faith, service, and prayer. We are deeply grateful for their presence, which continually inspires and strengthens our Catholic community.
Trusting that the Lord is still calling people to the Consecrated life for the sake of His Church, let us pray to the Lord of the harvest to call more people to Consecrated life in this Diocese. Exploring a vocation to Consecrated life can lead to a deeper relationship with God and a life filled with purpose and joy.
Consecrated life is a way of profound love and service to Christ and His Church. Through their commitment to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to their particular call from God, they contribute uniquely to the life of the local and universal Church. Their dedication not only deepens their own spiritual life but also enriches our Diocese with their witness of faith, service, and prayer. We are deeply grateful for their presence, which continually inspires and strengthens our Catholic community.
Trusting that the Lord is still calling people to the Consecrated life for the sake of His Church, let us pray to the Lord of the harvest to call more people to Consecrated life in this Diocese. Exploring a vocation to Consecrated life can lead to a deeper relationship with God and a life filled with purpose and joy.
Directory of Religious Men & Women's Communities
This directory offers a complete listing of active members of consecrated life in our Diocese, detailing their vocations, charisms, and contact information for those interested in learning more. It’s a valuable resource for anyone discerning a vocation or seeking to connect with these dedicated communities.
If you feel a stirring in your heart or a curiosity about this way of total dedication to the Lord, you are encouraged to learn more about Consecrated life in its various forms, seek guidance from knowledgeable persons, and trust that God may be calling you to this way of following Christ in a life of extraordinary grace and fulfillment.
You are welcome to join the various Consecrated persons in their celebration on February 2nd every year, where their shared commitment to Christ is honoured during the World Day for Consecrated Life. To find out more information about Consecrated Life, please email Sr. Dianne Turner, Assistant Vocations Director at the Office of Vocations, or call 403-218-5504. |
"This is the reason for our hope:
that God never tires of waiting for us.
When we turn away, he comes looking for us; when we fall, he lifts us to our feet; when we return to him after losing our way, he waits for us with open arms. His love is not weighed in the balance of our human calculations, but unstintingly gives us the courage to start anew. This teaches us resilience, the courage always to start again, each day. Always to start over after our falls. God is patient."
When we turn away, he comes looking for us; when we fall, he lifts us to our feet; when we return to him after losing our way, he waits for us with open arms. His love is not weighed in the balance of our human calculations, but unstintingly gives us the courage to start anew. This teaches us resilience, the courage always to start again, each day. Always to start over after our falls. God is patient."