Just east of Banff, near the start of Highway 93, thirty one intrepid hikers gathered to trek up Stanley Creek and gaze up at the Stanley Glacier.
Some of us explored the caves, while others admired the waterfall or simply took in the views. The top of our hike was our lunch spot, a small meadow which looked up to the Stanley Glacier. While not as massive as the Columbia Icefield between Banff and Jasper, it’s impressive to see a glacier that even summer heat can’t fully melt. Each winter, new snow adds to the ice, continuing the glacier’s growth. The descent proved to be a bit more challenging, as the loose scree (small rocks along the slope) left more than one hiker with dirty pant legs. But once we were down from the glacial overlook, we made the final hour-long trek through the trees back to the parking lot, where our companions awaited the last hikers. I am deeply grateful to our organizing team and to the faithful from St. Gabriel’s, along with all the diocesan parishioners, who joined us on this memorable hike. In this season of Renewal, it is truly uplifting to experience the strength of our diocesan community—to share the gift of presence and embody a church rooted in encounter and witness. Our next fundraising event will be a special dinner on Friday, October 25, 2024 at the St. Gabriel’s School gym in Chestermere. If you feel moved to support our efforts in building a new church, please visit: saintgabrielparish.ca Written by Fr. James Hagel, pastor of St. Gabriel the Archangel parish in Chestermere. Photos courtesy of Fr. James Hagel, Andreas Berko, and Pat Cooper.
Bishop William McGrattan celebrated two significant liturgical events for seminarians on their path toward the priesthood. On August 9, 2024, at St. Mary’s Cathedral, he presided over the Mass for Installation to the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte for seminarian Peter An. This Mass is an important step for candidates as they move closer to Holy Orders. As a Lector, Peter is entrusted with proclaiming the Word of God during Mass, while his role as Acolyte involves assisting at the altar, helping priests and deacons, and distributing Holy Communion as well as bringing the Blessed Sacrament to the sick or shut-in. These roles in divine worship highlight his progression toward the priesthood. Peter An currently serves at St. Mary’s Cathedral in his final stage of formation, the newly implemented Vocational Synthesis Phase. Later, on August 23, 2024, Bishop McGrattan celebrated the Mass of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders for Andre Boudreau at St. Luke’s Church where he has been assigned for summertime pastoral experience on the weekends. The Rite of Admission to Candidacy is another important milestone in a seminarian's journey. This rite allows Andre to publicly declare his intention to persevere in his formation in order to one day receive the sacrament of Holy Orders, first as a deacon and eventually as a priest. The rite includes three key elements: the call to candidacy, the candidate's scrutiny, and the candidate's blessing. Andre Boudreau is currently studying at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Edmonton for his fourth year of formation and just began his first year of theological studies. We invite you to join us in prayer for Peter An, Andre Boudreau, and all 13 seminarians in our Diocese. May God, who has started this good work in them, guide it to fulfillment! Photos courtesy of Jun Li (Installation of Peter An as Lector and Acolyte) and Victor Panlilio (Candidacy of Andre Boudreau).
As the new school year begins, our Catholic schools and communities across the Diocese are alive with excitement, faith, and the shared hope for a year filled with growth, learning, and grace. During last week’s School District opening Mass, Bishop McGrattan reminded teachers and staff that "it is a time to focus on those you will serve, especially the students and their families who are seeking an authentically Catholic education within our Catholic schools." As we embark on this year, the bishop acknowledged the challenges that may lie ahead—whether through experiences of persecution, affliction, or suffering. He emphasized that, as St. Paul taught, these trials are opportunities to strengthen our faith.
The Bishop also highlighted that "all of your work, efforts and accomplishments will always be fulfilled by His power and grace." The growth in charity and unity within our Catholic schools is not solely the result of human effort but is deeply dependent on the grace of God. "These simple signs that can foster the growth of the Catholic faith must become evident in the teachers, staff, students, and their parents within our Catholic schools.” Our diocesan Pastoral Renewal invites us to deepen our relationship with God, recognizing that we are Called, we Matter, and we Belong. "I hope that in this coming year you will in fact experience this same spirit of Renewal within your classrooms," says Bishop McGrattan, encouraging us to rediscover our passion for the vocation of Catholic education. He referenced Dr. Brett Salkeld’s Educating for Eternity, which offers an expanded vision of teaching that integrates faith into every aspect of the curriculum—an approach that is not merely an additional task but a central element of our mission.
Holy Spirit Catholic School Division staff had a blessed day on August 28, 2024 as they held our Opening Mass for the 2024/2025 School Year in Lethbridge. "We're excited to move forward with Year 3 of our Faith Plan with a focus on Proclaiming Our Faith. Thank you to everyone who helped make this glorious day a huge success!! We look forward to welcoming students into the classroom next Tuesday on September 3, 2024, for the first day of school!" (Photos: Holy Spirit Catholic Schools Facebook) Calgary Catholic School District staff gathered at parishes across Calgary to celebrate the District Opening Mass. "It was wonderful to gather as a community and kick off the 2024-2025 school year. We are blessed!" In this video, Monique Baker, Director General of the Conseil scolaire FrancoSud, highlighted the start of the school year in the FrancoSud School District, where around 4,000 students will return to 16 schools. Staff are ready to offer a year of learning and enjoyment, with various educational, cultural, sports, and social activities planned. Monique also thanked parents for their support and trust, wishing all families a wonderful school year. Watch video Christ the Redeemer (CTR) Catholic Schools teachers from across the division gathered in Okotoks for our opening professional development day on Aug 26, 202 marking the start of the new school year. The day began with a Mass and a blessing from Bishop McGrattan, continuing our cherished tradition. The focus of the day was our Catholic faith, with the afternoon dedicated to professional learning and teacher planning. "We pray for our teachers and staff as they prepare to welcome our most precious gift - the students of CTR - on Wednesday, August 28!" | (Photos: CTR Facebook) “Heavenly Father, as we gather together to prepare for this new academic year, we ask for Your blessing on all of us. May Your Spirit set our hearts ablaze with love of You - love that we can share with our students, their families and each other. Bless our planning and be with us each day.” CTR welcomed 32 new teachers to the CTR family this new school year. The teachers gathered for two days of learning, orientations and collaboration. On the final day, CTR staff extended a traditional farewell blessing to the teachers as they look ahead to welcoming students to the classroom next week (photo above). Photos: CTR Facebook
MHCBE: "Yesterday our friends at Southland Transportation hosted two “My First Ride” events for our school division. The program is intended to teach first riders or new students about school bus safety and allow them to ride the bus for the first time prior to the first day of school... Wishing our students a wonderful first ride next week!" | Photos: MHCBE Facebook. Thirteen new teachers begin their journey as educators in MHCBE Catholic schools. "We look forward to seeing them in our classrooms and hallways this school year. Please join us in welcoming them to our MHCBE family!" Clear Water Academy, a Catholic private school in Calgary: "As we prepared to welcome students to school this week, we began by preparing our hearts and minds. Faculty Faith Day, led by our amazing formation team, was an enriching time for faculty to worship, reflect, and build community. We look forward to the start of the 2024-25 school year!" (Photos: Clear Water Academy Facebook)
Catholic Pastoral Centre Staff and Guest Writers Archives
September 2024